Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Hmmmm...Cold or Dead

I have a friend named Rusty who has a doggy IQ at Forrest Gump levels, but it is nothing compared to the stupidity of his owner Scott Crider.  Rusty has a blog where he complains about how Mitt Romney treated his dog like......a dog.  Weird, I know.  You see Mitt had a crowded car and put his dog Seamus in its cage on the roof.  Unless Seamus was some sort of strange dog like Rusty, he would have spent that same ride with his head stuck out the window anyway, well when Seamus wasn't licking his own nuts.  Fact of the matter is Seamus didn't mind being on the roof....because he is a fucking dog, we eat our own poop for crying out loud.  So the next time Rusty whines about Seamus being stuck on a roof, slap him on the nose with a rolled up newspaper. 

The even weirder thing about Rusty is that he thinks it is OK to eat dogs, just not let them go for a ride on the roof.  Yeah you read that correctly Rusty would rather be dead than having fun on the roof of a car.  Like I said he is the Forrest Gump of dogs.  I know what you humans are thinking and I'll take care of it for you.  *Walks over to Rusty's house*  NO!  Bad Dog, don't be stupid Rusty, don't be stupid.  Now go over there and do what your owner is doing, eat  your own poop.

Ruff Ruff,


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